Monday, April 30, 2012


So this wasn't really an assignment, just kind of something fun I decided to do and expand upon my story of these two characters. Basically, the kid opens the box which leads to his imagination becoming reality (sort of like Narnia I guess).

This was a pretty quick sketch, as I decided to do it last minute, I'm getting way faster now!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Adv. Digital Painting Wk 2

This week we had to start thinking about our final project, a production painting. We had two think of two characters who were contrasting with each other. Originally I had just the little kid and his older brother, but I felt like I needed something else so I added the girl at the last second and everything came together!

I love the imagination of little kids, I hope I still have some of mine left!

Adv. Digital Painting Wk. 1

Started Advance Digital Painting with Joshua James Shaw from Blur, cool guy, very helpful advice. Anyways, our first assignment was to take a person and draw them in a realistic, comic book, cartoony way. I choose Taylor Swift cause she's awesome :P

The realistic one could be better for sure, I'm not all that happy with it, but I'm extremely happy with the comic book one.

Friday, April 6, 2012

New term!

So I just started my sixth term at Gnomon and we're really starting to get into Maya and all that jazz. I'm looking forward to all my classes this term, especially Animation and VFX. I also have Advance Digital Painting with Joshua James Shaw so I'm stoked for that. I'll be posting more things soon!!! Hopefully more of my work from last term as well like my texturing class and principles of animation class.

Advanced Character Design

This was my final for Advance Character Design with Dylan Scher. These characters went through many iterations, but overall I liked the end result. I took a big inspiration from Clement Sauve, I love his style of simplistic rendering with complicated line work.

Digital Painting

So I just finished up my fifth term here at Gnomon, it seems like it's been a lot longer! Anyways, I had a digital painting class this term and since I have never really painted digitally or traditionally, I was excited to take this class. It was a lot of work, a lot of it was copying an image and understanding how color and composition work together. Some projects were fast, some took longer, but overall I saw a BIG improvement in my painting since starting the class.

The final project we could do whatever we wanted, but it had to be only painted and with no photos. I chose to do Dr. Light's lab from MegaMan (I'm kind of obsessed), there are a few changes I would make to it still, but overall I'm pretty happy with it given the time I had to complete it.

Put the final first then assignments 1-7 following.